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2024-2025 Season (AUGUST 1, 2024-JULY 31, 2025)

Match the month of your birthday with the year in which you were born.
Follow the row to the “AGE” column for your age group for the fall season.
FALL SEASON (August 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024):
The age of a play on APRIL 30, 2025 will determine their eligibility age for the 2024 / 2025 season.

A player born in September of 2012 will play in the 12u age group for the 2024-25 Season.
13U and above age groups will go by grad year or age of April 30th, 2025

18U/2025 17U/2026 16U/2027 15U/2028 14U/2029 13u/2030

GRADE EXEMPTION RULE (8u, 9u, 10u, 11u, 12u)
12U and Under teams will be allowed to carry two(2) grade exempt players.
Coaches will need to provide necessary documents to GSA before grade exempt players play in tournaments. Please contact rjmondoux@gsanational.org for more information.
The examples for the Grade exempt players are listed below.

8U Division

Players that turn 9 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 2nd grade.  
Players turning 10 prior to August 1st, 2025 will not be eligible. 

9U Division

Players that turn 10 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 3rd grade.  
Players turning 11 prior to August 1st, 2025 will not be eligible. 

10U Division

Players that turn 11 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 4th grade.  
Players turning 12 prior to August 1st, 2025 will not be eligible. 

11U Division

Players that turn 12 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 5th grade.  
Players turning 13 prior to August 1st, 2025 will not be eligible. 

12U Division

Players that turn 13 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 6th grade.  
Players turning 14 prior to August 1st, 2025 will not be eligible. 

2024 7U-18U Rules
Apply to all age groups. See age specific rules below.

Game Time limits and rules:

A)   A complete game will consist of 6 innings for 7u-12u age groups and 7 innings for 13u-18u age groups.
B)   7u-8u will have a one hour and thirty-minute time limit for pool play and bracket games.
C)   9u-18u will have a one hour and forty-minute time limit for pool play and bracket play games.
D)   All championship games will have a time limit of two hours.
E)   Home and away teams for pool play games will be determined by a coin flip.
F)   The higher seed WILL be the home team in bracket play games. In a championship game, there will be a coin flip to determine the home team.
G)  Pool play games can end in a tie at the end of a completed game or the time limit has been reached.
H)   In the event a bracket play game is tied at the end of a completed game or a time limit has been reached, an “international tie breaker” will be put into play. The last out of a previous inning will be placed on second base with no outs; and will continue until a team has won.
I)     All games can start up to thirty minutes before the scheduled game time.
J)    All game times may be adjusted by the discretion of the site director.


Batting rules:

A)   Teams must list at least nine batters on the lineup card.
B)   Teams have the option to bat as many players as they choose.
C)   Any players not in the batting lineup must be listed as a substitution player under the section on the scorecard.
D)   All players in the line up that are not in the defensive lineup will be listed as an Extra hitter (EH). The EH can go in and out of the field without defensive changes being recorded to the umpire, excluding the pitcher.
E)   No team may add a player to their line up once the official score card has been turned in to the umpire in chief.  Any errors to the scorecard “MUST” be addressed prior to turning it into the umpire in chief.  It becomes an “official game card” once it has been handed to the umpire in chief.
F)   A team may start the game with 8 players, however the 9th spot in the order will count as an out until it is filled.
G)  If a player in the batting lineup is removed from the game due to a coach’s decision or injury and there is no sub to go in, that position in the batting order will be listed as an automatic out when it is reached until the player returns to the game.
H)   Faking a bunt then taking a swing or a “butcher boy /slash play” is not permitted for 7u-12u age divisions. Penalty will result in a dead ball if contact is made or not. The batter is called out and all runners shall return to the base they occupied at the time of the pitch.


Defensive rules:

A)   For 7U-8U, a maximum of 10 players will be on the field for defense.
B)   For 9U-18U, a maximum of 9 players will be on the field for defense.
C)   The infield shift is allowed.
D)   Teams have the option to sub freely on defense (with their EH/s) without the umpire having to report changes, excluding the pitcher
E)   Pitching changes must be reported to the umpire and recorded on the score card.



A)   The area directly in front of each dugout will be considered the “coaches’ area”. This area will run the length of the dugout and extend five feet out towards the playing field. Each team may have one manager and one coach in this area during the game. (Some fields do not allow buckets on the field so please respect the park rules)
B)   No coach or manager may walk down the foul line to coach or manager players.
C)   Umpires will have the final judgement on awarding or taking away bases should a live ball come into contact with either a coach or any foreign objects that are brought onto the fields such as buckets, chairs or stools.
D)   Each team may have a total of four (4) coaches in their dugout during a game. You may have three coaches and a scorekeeper but no more than four in total.
E)   Please note that a coach or player may not call “time-out”. They may only ask the umpire and it will be at their discretion to call an official time out.
F)   Coaches may only use players that are on their tournament roster. No player shall play for multiple teams in the same tournament, regardless of age division. The first team a player plays in a tournament for will be the only team that player can play for, for the remainder of the tournament. Illegal players in a tournament will resolve in a forfeit. 

Re-Entry rule:

A)   Starters can re-enter only one time in a game. Starters and substitutes are “married” to each other for the re-entry requirements.


A)   Any player or coach ejected from any game will have to leave the playing field. If the umpire believes the situation could become worse if the player or coach is near the playing area still, they may be asked to leave the parking lot.
B)  If a player is ejected from the game and the team does not have a sub to replace the position in the offensive lineup, that spot in the order will be recorded as an out.
C)   The player or coach may be able to return the next scheduled game depending on the severity of the ejection.
D)   The ejected player or coach shall not return to the field even after the final out is recorded and the game is officially completed.
E)   The site director or tournament director may extend the ejection for the next game or suspend them for the remainder of the tournament.

Mercy/Run rule:

A)   7u-8u will have a Ten run mercy rule in effect after 4 completed innings. (See more under 8u division rules)
B)   9u-12u will have 12 runs after three innings, 10 runs after four innings and 8 runs after five innings mercy rule in play.
C)   13-18u will have 15 runs after three innings, 10 runs after four innings and 8 runs after five innings mercy rule in play.
D)   The whole team is responsible for the scorekeeping; The umpire will keep the game score and will be deemed the final decision on all score related issues.



A)   All protests must be raised verbally by the offended team manager at the time of play and before the next pitch.
B)   A fee of $100.00 in cash (refunded if protest is upheld) must accompany the protest and be remitted to the site director. Only then will the official game clock stop.
C)   All protest decisions are final. The site director and tournament director shall comprise the protest committee for all rule challenges.
D)   Should the protest be upheld, the fee will be returned to the protesting team manager and play will resume.
E)   Only decisions involving the misinterpretation or misapplication of a rule may be protested. No Protests shall be allowed in situations involving “judgement of an umpire.”

Contact rule:

A)   Whenever a tag play is evident, a runner must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder and/or catcher.
B)   Malicious contact shall supersede all obstruction penalties. Malicious contact is solely the judgement of the umpire.
C)   Runners advancing to a base if in the judgement of the umpire interferes with a throw shall be called out for interference and the batter/runner may also be called out.
D)   Runners may dive around and under the defensive player in an attempt to reach the base or plate safely.
E)   There will be no diving over or leaping (landing on feet) over the defensive players. PENALTY: The runner shall immediately be declared out. Should contact occur, additional penalties may be assessed.

Courtesy Runner Rule:

A)   A courtesy runner may be used for the catcher or pitcher.
B)   The courtesy runner must be a substitute not in the batting line-up.
C)   If no substitutes are available, then the last recorded out will be used. The only exception is in the first inning where no outs have been recorded; in which case no courtesy runner may be used and the catcher/pitcher must run until an out is recorded by the defense.
D)   Should a courtesy runner be on base when their spot in the order comes up, the offensive team may not replace the “courtesy runner” with another but rather their position in the lineup will be called out.
E)   Should an illegal courtesy runner be used, and the defensive team brings it to the umpire’s attention, no out shall be called but rather, the correct runner shall be inserted. This can be one any time before the runner scores. Should the runner score and they are deemed an illegal runner, they will be called out and the run will not count. *This must be done before the next pitch*

Intentional Walk Rule:

A)   If an intentional walk is called for, the pitcher will not have to throw four pitches outside the strike zone. Instead, the team’s manager may signal and point the runner to first base. No players can make this call.
B)   For 7u-8u divisions, no batter can be intentionally walked more than one time per game.

Pitching rules:

A)   8u-12u divisions: A pitcher cannot pitch more than twenty-seven(27) outs in a three-day tournament and no more than eighteen (18) outs in one day.
B)   13u divisions: A pitcher cannot pitch more than thirty (30) outs in a three-day tournament and no more than twenty-one (21) outs in one day.
                a)    If a pitcher is in violation of the pitching rules, the manager and player will be ejected from the game. The game will resume.
C)   14u-18u divisions: No pitching restrictions on the amount of outs a pitcher may throw.
D)   Once a pitcher is removed from the mound, they may not return to the mound that same game.
E)   Pitchers may not wear on either hand; wrist bands, batting gloves, and arm sleeves, regardless of color or style.
F)   Pitchers may wear prescription glasses. All other eyewear is left up to the umpire’s discretion.

Designated Hitter/Extra Hitter Rule:

A)   Any team may use the DH rule for any player in their line-up.  (Please see the MLB DH Rule 6.10 for detailed definition of the rule)
B)   The “Extra Hitter or Extra Player” rule allows any team to bat ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12) and so on…., the EH/EP is free to substitute for any of the nine (9) defensive players on the field at any time.  The batting order does not change.  Any team batting their roster affords them the ability to bat their entire roster and have “free substitutions” on defense. 
C)   Should a player in the line-up be forced to leave the game for any reason and no legal substitutions are available, his/her spot will be an automatic out every time it comes up in the line-up.

Cleat Rule:

A)   7u-12u divisions may only wear molded cleats or turfs.
B)   13-18u divisions have the options of wearing molded cleats, turfs, or metal spikes.

Bat Regulations:

A)   7-12u divisions will use bats which are clearly marked with 1.15 BPF, USA Baseball or BBCOR
B)   13u division will have a maximum drop weight of -8 marked with 1.15 BPF, USA Baseball or BBCOR
C)   14-18u divisions will be required to meet high school bat specifications (-3 BBCOR).
D)   Wood bats are approved for all age groups

Official game policy:

A)    7u-12u divisions: Official games must consist of three complete innings, unless the home team is ahead going into the bottom of the third inning. (see B) of suspended game policy)
B)    13u-18u divisions: Official games must consist of four complete innings, unless the home team is ahead going into the bottom of the fourth inning. (see B) of suspended game policy)

Suspended Game Policy

A)   Games that do not meet the official game policy due to weather/darkness will be considered a suspended game and resume (if possible) from the point of the suspension at the earliest time available.
B)   If there is not enough time to resume a suspended game, it will be considered complete and official at the end of the last completed inning.

a.    Pool play / consolation games:

     i.    If a game is suspended prior to being official and there is not enough to resume, the game will be considered complete at the end of the last complete inning. If tied at the end of the last complete inning, the game will stand as a tie.

b.    Elimination games:

     i.    if one inning hasn’t been completed and the game is suspended without time to resume- the higher seed would advance to the next round.

     ii.    If tied at the end of the last complete inning- higher seed would advance to the next round

     iii.    If tied at the end of the last complete inning and the two teams are the same seed from different divisions entering the game – we would revert to the tie-breaking system in place.

     iv.    If the championship game starts and is not able to complete due to weather/darkness and there is no time to resume – the game would be considered official at the end of the last complete inning

     v.    If tied after the last complete inning- the higher seed will be named champions.

*Rules not specifically outlined will fall under 2022 MLB Rules and guidelines.” 
*All rosters need to be online. If rosters are not online, the manager must provide a paper copy to the site director when arriving to a tournament.*

7U-8U Machine Pitch Rules

Blue flame pitching Machine set at 42 feet from back of home plate.

60-foot base lines

7U: The pitching machine will be set at the dimensions of 3,4,8.

8U: The pitching machine will be set at the dimensions of 3,4,9.

To keep the game fair for both teams, pitching machines may not be altered. This includes changing the pins on the machine or adding an object under the front/back of the machine.
If an alteration needs to be made, please call for a director to assist the situation.

A) An inning continues until the offensive team has scored five (5) runs or until the defensive team has recorded three (3) outs. 

B) Each batter will be given six (6) pitches, three (3) swings and missed attempts, or a fair hit ball.  Foul balls with two (2) strikes will continue until the batter has either put the ball in play or swung and missed for strike three (3).   

C) If the batter does not swing at the sixth pitch and it is deemed a “good pitch” the batter will be declared out on a strike out.

D) Any pitch declared a “bad pitch” by the umpire will not count towards the batter’s pitch count regardless of a swing and miss or non-swing.  No pitch can be declared “bad” until it has crossed home plate. Only the umpire, in their judgement, shall declare a “bad pitch”.

E) In the event that a batted ball hits the pitching machine and leaves the area of the machine, it will be a live ball and play will continue.  Should a batted ball hit the operator, the ball will be dead, the batter will be awarded first (1st) base and all runners will advance one (1) base only if forced.

F) Under no circumstance will a player reach under, through or into the machine to retrieve a ball.  Should a batted ball come to rest under the pitching machine, get stuck in the pitching machine or any other scenario which may put any player at risk of injury, the umpire will immediately call out, “dead ball”.  The batter will be awarded first base and all runners will advance one (1) base.

G) Pitcher shall occupy the pitching area with one(1) foot in the area on either side of the pitching machine. The pitcher shall not leave the pitching area until the batter has made contact with the ball. PENALTY: If, in the judgement of the umpires, the pitcher has both feet outside of the pitching area before contact is made, the play shall continue until all action has stopped. At that time, the umpire shall call time, explain the violation by the defense, and the offense shall have the option to take the result of the play or to reset all runners and have the batter hit again.

H.1) 7U Stealing Rule: Stealing is NOT PERMITTED in 7u Machine pitch. If a runner leaves early and is not put out, he must return to his originating base. If a runner leaves early on a ball batted into play, the runner may only advance one base more than the batter.

H.2) 8U Stealing Rule: Stealing is permitted to second and third base only.  Runners may only attempt to steal once the ball has crossed home plate.  If a runner leaves early and is not put out, he must return to his originating base. If a runner leaves early on a ball batted into play, the runner may only advance one base more than the batter. Runners may only steal one base per play. Runners “WILL NOT” be allowed to advance to an extra base on overthrown balls. Should a runner advance past the one (1) base they are entitled they may be put out.

I) To end a play, the defense must stop the lead runner.  This may be accomplished by throwing the ball to the base ahead of the lead runner and either putting the runner out or forcing him to retreat to his last base established.  The defensive team may ask for time out only when all runners have stopped any attempts for advancement.  Time out will not be allowed if the umpire considers the play “live”.

J) The infield fly rule is NOT in effect.

K) Intentional walks are allowed; however, you may only intentionally walk the same batter once per game.

L) All outfielders must remain in the outfield grass until the ball has been put into play by the batter.

M) (FOR 7U ONLY) There will be TWO SCENARIOS where ONE outfielder may be used as a FIFITH INFIELDER in the event that a play MUST be made at the plate, only when there are less than two outs (the TWO scenarios will be listed below). If there are two outs, no FIFTH infielder may be used. IF a team uses a FIFTH INFIELDER, the play must be made at the plate (excluding a pop up caught in the infield). All other outfielders must remain in the outfield grass. 
         Scenario #1: Winning run is on third base with less than two outs.
                                Example #1- Home team has game winning run on third base.
                                Example #2- Runner on third base would end the game with run rule going into effect.
         Scenario #2: If the base runner on third base would be the 5th Run of the inning if he scores, with less than two outs.

If a FIFTH INFIELDER is used, and the play is not made at the plate (excluding a caught pop up), All Base Runners will be deemed safe.

N) A ten run rule will be in effect after four innings of play. In pool play, if the visiting team goes up by 10 or more runs after the fourth inning, the home team will have the option to bat in order to score runs for seeding purposes. IF the away team goes up by more than 10 runs after the fourth inning in an elimination game, the game will stop and become official.

(Please see above for rules not outline in this section)

8U(K/P) Closed Bases Rules

Pitching Mound will be set at 42 feet from back of home plate.

60-foot base lines

A) An inning continues until the offensive team has scored six (6) runs or until the defensive team has recorded three (3) outs. 

B) No leading off.  Runners must be on the base when the pitcher has come to a natural pitching position and cannot leave the base until the ball has left the pitcher’s hand. If any runner leaves the base before the ball releases the pitchers hand, the umpire will return the runner back to his/her last base occupied. If the ball is put in play, then no runner may advance more than one (1) base beyond the batter runners safely
C) The Drop 3rd strike rule will not be in play for 8u.

D) The infield fly rule is not in effect.

E) There are no balks in this division

H) Stealing is permitted to second base, third base and home plate. Runners may only attempt to steal once the ball has left the pitcher’s hand. If a runner leaves early and is not put out he must return to his originating base

I) To end a play, the defense must stop the lead runner. This may be accomplished by throwing the ball to the base ahead of the lead runner and either putting the runner out or forcing him to retreat to his last base established.  The defensive team may ask for time out only when all runners have stopped any attempts for advancement.  Time out will not be allowed if the umpire considers the play “live”.

K) Intentional walks are allowed; however, you may only intentionally walk the same batter once per game.

(Please see above for rules not outline in this section)


9U Closed Bases Rules

Pitching mound will be set at 46 feet from back of home plate.

60-foot base lines

A)  There will be no balks in this division.

B)  No leading off.  Runners must be on the base when the pitcher has come to a natural pitching position and cannot leave the base until the ball has left the pitcher’s hand. If any runner leaves the base before the ball releases the pitchers hand, the umpire will return the runner back to his/her last base occupied. If the ball is put in play, then no runner may advance more than one (1) base beyond the batter runners safely occupied base.

C)  The infield fly rule is in effect.

D)  Batters/runners must be put out or forced out on all dropped or missed third strikes and runners may at their own discretion, seek to advance home on dropped or missed third (3rd) strikes.

(Please see above for rules not outline in this section)

9U-12U Open Base Rules

Mound will be set at 46 feet from back of home plate for 9u Open and 10u divisions.

65-foot base lines

Mound will be set at 50 feet from back of home plate for 11u and 12u divisions

70-foot base lines

(Please see above for rules not outline in this section)

13U-18U Division Rules

Mound will be set at 60 feet from the back of home plate.

90-foot base lines

(Please see above for rules not outline in this section)


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